Fred, 60, Severe Depression
Fred presented as restless and agitated, crying, not sleeping, irritable, hard to concentrate, preoccupied, helpless, numb empty and despairing.
Over 20 years, he attempted suicide four times. He was reluctant to engage in therapy. Eventually he was referred for individual cognitive behavioural therapy.
After a structured CBT approach, he attended a Decider Skills 10 week course.
Here Fred tells us how helpful he has found The Decider Skills.
Read Fred's Story »

Heather's Social Post
Heather's Social Media Post - sent to us by Heather for our October 2021 competition

Kim's Story
Kim learned The Decider Skills from her mental health nurse in Scotland. She emailed us to tell us about her experiences of learning the skills after many years of challenges including addiction.
She said: "This course has genuinely changed my life.... thank you so much for developing this amazing and genuinely life saving set of skills."
Read Kim's Story

Jamie's Poem
Jamie learned The Decider Skills whist an inmate of Guernsey Prison.
He went on to turn his life around by putting the skills into practice in his daily life.
He sent us this poem that he wrote about using The Decider Skills
Read Jamie's Poem

Jane, 43, Anxiety
Jane suffered from panic and anxiety all her life, which appeared to be a result of her traumatic early life experiences.
Following psycho-education, understanding and normalising anxiety and a programme of graded exposure and re-socialisation, she was sent to a Decider Skills Group.
This is her story.
Read Jane's Story »