CBT in a nutshell

The STOPP skill is a perfect example of CBT in action - an effective way to achieve a better outcome. The STOPP app, our phone app version of the skill, gives users an accessible strategy 24/7 to help manage thoughts, feelings and behaviours.


VIDEOS - including introduction to The Decider Skills and more

See also the HELP page

Available free for iOS, Android and Windows devices.

STOPP app can be used to manage impulsivity; from self harm mitigation and suicide prevention to impulsive behaviours like over and under eating, gambling etc.

Between stimulus and response there is a space, in that space lies our power to choose or response. Viktor Frankl


Download the STOPP App

The Decider Skills APP

Please follow links below to access the new app.

If you prefer music-free videos of the Web App:

The Decider 12 Life Skills videos

The Decider 32 Skills videos

The STOPP APP - demonstration video


STOPP Skill animated video


STOPP Skill - brief demonstration (no intro)

STOPP - from Norfolk & Suffolk NHS FT


Webinar - STOPP Skill & the evidence


STOPP Skill at



Download the STOPP App


The Decider Skills APP

Please note the videos in the old versions of the app are not working.  Please follow links below to access the new app.

If you prefer music-free videos of the Web App:

The Decider 12 Life Skills videos

The Decider 32 Skills videos


Other resources

The Decider Skills for Self Help book available from Amazon

The Decider Skills online self help course

Videos for everyone

Where to find help


The Decider Skills for Self Help

Read more