Our Programme

The skills are strongly grounded in theory - summarising 32 Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) skills under the four core skill sets of Distress Tolerance, Mindfulness, Emotion Regulation and Interpersonal Effectiveness. CBT and DBT have an impressive evidence base.

Watch a skill taught at our TED Talk

Teaching Materials & Resources

Manuals, handbooks, posters, workshops, training videos, apps, and online resources provide a complete programme for a range of organisations and services.


The Decider Skills Manual contains 32 CBT & DBT skills for individuals and groups with mental health problems.

Each skill has its own evidence base, client handout, clinician page, visual and prop, and hand sign.  Real-life examples are used and each skill is taught in a discuss-demonstrate-discuss format. The demonstrations bring the skills to life.

The clinician page provides a detailed explanation for the clinician on how to teach and present the skill.

Order manuals here »

Online Resources

Printable resources including a group session plan, A4-sized visual prompts for all 32 skills, clinical measures, homework sheets and lists of useful props.

Access and download here 

The Decider Skills Reference Card

The 32 skills are summarised in a laminated A4 card - a pictorial reference as a reminder of the skills learned.

Access and download here 


We recommend that clinicians complete a workshop or online training.

The skills are taught in a highly original and innovative way. Didactic presentation and demonstrations bring the skills to life - group discussion and skills practice embed the skills for personal and professional use.

Workshops or online training

The Decider Skills for your Organisation

We welcome all enquiries.  Contact us for further information.

The Decider Skills Training Options

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